Code ownership: Why we built a new tool for subscribing to file changes
We’re rethinking the way code ownership works at Sourcegraph and building a new tool that enables developers to subscribe to file changes in a Git repository.
Survey Findings Reveal Big Code Presents Challenges For Development Teams Across All Industries
The Big Code survey shows 94% of software development professionals affected by big code. The data gathered serves to quantify Big Code’s complexity, understand its real impact on development and business outcomes, and identify what needs to be done so enterprises can succeed.
Let’s rethink the software engineer career path
The software engineer career path is rarely clear, linear, or universal. It’s time engineers rethink the different career paths they can take.
Sourcegraph 3.20 release
Sourcegraph 3.20 is released.
Search code quickly by going to ``.
We made the shortcut URL service so that you can jump to code search faster.
Sourcegraph 3.19 release
Sourcegraph 3.19 is released.
Optimizing a code intelligence backend
Read about how we used a memory and CPU profiler, creative thinking, and a lot of developer elbow grease to optimize our semantic code indexing system to give users twice-as-fast tooltips, go-to-definition, and references.
The Language Server Index Format (LSIF) at Sourcegraph, a year in review
We've spent a year building out the world's largest semantic code index using the Language Server Index Format (LSIF). Read about the technical journey, from MVP to scaling and optimizing the system to support large-scale codebases.
Our ABCs: Always Be Coding children's book free to download
We love what we’ve come up with and hope you will too—a new digital children’s book titled Our ABCs: Always Be Coding — for all children that wonder what their techie parents do all day, night, and some weekends too!
Enable native code intelligence for GitLab with the Sourcegraph integration
With the GitLab native code intelligence integration from Sourcegraph, you can bring IDE-like features such as hover tooltips and go to definition to every GitLab code view.
Universal Code Search for GitHub
Universal Code Search for GitHub
Fully type-safe Web Workers with zero boilerplate
TypeScript and ECMAScript have some of the most beautiful constructs and syntaxes to do parallel, non-blocking programming—but unfortunately, only for standard APIs like fetch in the browser or file IO in Node. When implementing anything CPU-bound in TypeScript, offloading it into a different, parallel execution context and exposing an equally type-safe and flexible API for it is non-trivial.
How Sourcegraph helped ensure production stability at Lyft during their monolith to microservices decomposition
Learn how Sourcegraph code search helped Lyft ensure (largely) issue-free production deploys during their monolith to microservices decomposition
SoFi moves fast on hundreds of microservices with Sourcegraph
Sourcegraph enables SoFi to innovate and move quickly while ensuring production stability for hundreds of microservices.
Sourcegraph 3.10: Improved search autocompletion, native GitLab integration, and search and replace campaigns
Sourcegraph 3.10: Improved search autocompletion, native GitLab integration, and search and replace campaigns