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Helping users find code by automatically running alternative queries

Discover how we made code search better by helping developers find and click on results that they would not normally see otherwise.

Sourcegraph and Backstage: Using the Sourcegraph Search API to create an entity provider for your Backstage catalog

How to create a light, fast, and reliable Backstage ingestion provider for all your code hosts using the Sourcegraph API

Sourcegraph 4.2 release

Sourcegraph 4.2 introduces the new audit log, executor secrets for server-side Batch Changes, and Smart Search to make it easier to find the search results you're looking for.

Ranking in a week

In just over a week, four developers designed and built a data pipeline utilizing Sourcegraph's wealth of source code data. The result is Sourcegraph's new search ranking system inspired by PageRank.

Saving dozens of engineering hours by batch-changing hundreds of repositories at a time

Have you ever needed to change many repositories at once? How about 271 of them? It usually takes hours, probably even days, to update all repositories to the new version or a library or add a new security check to all Continuous Integration pipelines. In a world of automation, we can do better than that.

Rethinking search results ranking on

Sourcegraph has overhauled the ranking algorithm to prioritize relevancy and code reuse for searches on popular OSS repos.

OpenSSL 3.0.7

OpenSSL 3.0.7 is available and addresses two security vulnerabilities. Here's what you need to know.

Multi-version upgrades

Sourcegraph administration just got an order-of-magnitude quality-of-life improvement. Using a Sourcegraph 4.0 (or later) migrator utility, you can upgrade your on-prem installation of Sourcegraph from 3.20 directly to Sourcegraph 4.0 and beyond.

Migrating from Monaco Editor to CodeMirror

We migrated our search input from Monaco to CodeMirror6. It's been a delightful experience and we are now migrating our Notebooks and other functionality too.

Code search tidbits: 4 underrated features

You can do some pretty wild things with Sourcegraph that you won't find in any other code search tool today. Here are 4 short-and-sweet tidbits of underrated search features that go a bit extra.

Sourcegraph 4.1 release

Sourcegraph 4.1 introduces new features for server-side Batch Changes and improvements to the code navigation reference panel.

Sourcegraph and Backstage: Bootstrapping Backstage Catalog Adoption with Sourcegraph Batch Changes

How to use Sourcegraph batch changes to rapidly bootstrap a Backstage catalog

How Sourcegraph can save non-developers time and effort every day

Sourcegraph isn't just for software developers. Learn how product managers and analytics/business operations teammates use Sourcegraph as a powerful timesaver and cheat sheet that saves them 20-60 minutes multiple times per week. Everyone needs to navigate code and Sourcegraph makes codebases accessible to all.

Git vs. Perforce: how Salesforce Engineering helped Sourcegraph scale to one of the largest monorepos

Sourcegraph is committed to making all the code in your organization discoverable, useful, and valuable. Here is how we helped Salesforce and how they helped us in return.

Steve Yegge joins as Head of Engineering (or, “Why I left retirement to join Sourcegraph”)

TL;DR: Steve Yegge has joined Sourcegraph as Head of Engineering, where we are building the world’s most open and comprehensive code intelligence platform (CIP).

From code search to a code intelligence platform

Sourcegraph is starting to go beyond just code search, which helps you find matching lines in code. We want to help you find answers in code, and we call this code intelligence.

Sourcegraph 4.0

Announcing Sourcegraph 4.0. The latest release includes over a dozen updates and new features, and it is the first step toward Sourcegraph becoming a code intelligence platform.

Sourcegraph Cloud: secure, scalable, dedicated instances for enterprises

Today, we're launching Sourcegraph Cloud: secure, scalable, dedicated Sourcegraph on the cloud for your organization. Sourcegraph Cloud is the best way to start using Sourcegraph on your organization's code.

Revisiting the design approach to the Zig programming language

Zig is a general-purpose programming language that can act as a drop-in replacement for C / C++, letting you incrementally improve your code base.

Sourcegraph 3.43 release

Sourcegraph 3.43 introduces several new features for admins, including a newly redesigned user management page as well as annual forecasting for admin analytics.